Unilag Housing Centre


Celebrating a New Chapter: Congratulations to Mr. Femi Adewole the Newly Appointed Director of Coop Mortgage Bank

We are pleased to announce and extend our warmest congratulations to Mr. Femi Adewole, Advisory Board Member of the ARUA CoE for Urbanization and Habitable Cities on his recent appointment as the Director of Coop Mortgage Bank. This prestigious role is a testament to his exceptional skills, dedication, and proven leadership within the housing industry.

Throughout his career, he has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to housing finance, development and project management. His in-depth knowledge of the housing sector, combined with his strategic vision and ability to inspire teams, has undoubtedly set him apart as a leader in the field.

As he steps into this new role, we are confident that he will continue to drive forward the bank’s mission, uphold its values, and guide the team towards achieving new heights of success. His leadership, expertise, and passion for the industry will undoubtedly inspire us all and contribute to the continued growth and success of Coop Mortgage Bank.

He has been an advisory board member of the network since inception, contributing to the effective steering and programme development of the Network.

Congratulations once again.