Post-graduate Studies

Masters in Sustainable Urbanization

We offer Masters in Sustainable Urbanization. The aim is to close the skill and knowledge gap of urban practitioners, providing specialist training in sustainable urban development and systems thinking, with a specific focus on African cities. The rationale of the Masters in Sustainable Urbanization programme is to localize contemporary thoughts in the global development agenda for the African urban sector by providing a curriculum for specialized learning, drawing on the expertise of both local and international academics and professionals, in an environment that is amenable to advanced teaching and learning.

Masters in Housing Development and Management

We offer a Masters degree in housing development and management. The specific objective of this programme is to close the skill and knowledge gap of practitioners in the specific area of housing development and management. It has been designed to expose students, who are already engaged in the industry, to global issues and international research directions and methodologies in the housing sector. Students are assured of well grounding in the professional practice of housing development and management.

Students are provided guidance in international research directions and methodologies in the housing sector and are assured of sound grounding in the theory and professional practice guiding housing development and management.

Due to the constant requests from our industry partners, a Post-graduate Diploma (Pgd) in housing studies is currently being designed to complement the formal education needs of the professionals and practitioners.

We are currently seeking enhanced learning capacities through Fulbright scholarships, visiting professorships, Chartered Institute of Housing certification etc to ensure enhanced value for the students.

Masters in Urban and Management

Guided by the requirements for the actualisation of the African Union Declaration (Agenda 2063), the New Urban Agenda of the United Nations (Habitat III), and the Sustainable Development Goals, and the growing recognition of local authorities as an essential component of actualising sustainable development, there is need for capacity development for public officials, civil society actors, community development practitioners and other stakeholders operating at both local government and city levels.

The Master’s in Urban Management domiciled in Urban and Regional Planning Department at the University of Lagos is a DAAD SDG Graduate school programme floated under the WITS-TUB-UNILAG Urban Lab. WITS-TUB-UNILAG is a tripartite partnership to strengthen urban planning and urban management higher education capacities across Africa. The lab is able to provide a select number of highly competitive scholarships to deserving candidates.

The Masters in Urban Management curriculum will provide students with theoretical, practical, and technical knowledge on city functions, infrastructure, governance and management. Students will be equipped with the relevant analytical skills to understand and address global, national and local issues that affect urban communities, the technical capacity to respond to these issues on behalf of diverse urban populations; and the critical skills necessary to work in complex organizations.

MPhil/Ph.D in Sustainable Urbanization

The MPhil and Ph.D. in Sustainable Urbanization programmes at the University of Lagos aims to fill a gap in contemporary urban governance, policy, and development studies. The program's goal is to train research professionals to be experts in analyzing and providing multidisciplinary solutions to the policy formulation and implementation challenges of 21st century urbanization with a focus on Africa and the cities of the global south. The Program intends to investigate and address urban development issues from a pan-African, evidence-based, and dynamic solutions perspective. It intends to focus on multidisciplinary intellectual explorations of various approaches to achieving the SDGs in Africa. Based on the requirements for implementing the African Union Declaration (Agenda 2063) and the New Urban Agenda of the United Nations (Habitat III).

The programs aim to provide advanced capacity development to people with an interest in SDG-related research and practice. They include researchers, government employees, civil servants, local government officials, private sector workers, staff members of international organizations, members of civil society organizations, and local community activists.

Master in Housing Studies

We offer Masters in Housing Studies. The aim of the programme is to close the skill and knowledge gap of practitioners in the specialized area of housing development and management, thereby providing a knowledge base for qualified practitioners, students, professionals and policy makers, to equip them with the theoretical and practical problem-solving skills to enable them implement housing solutions at scale.

The curriculum has been carefully designed to link theory, policy and research to the practice of developing decent homes to satisfy the nation’s housing needs. It is targeted at eligible real estate professionals, policy makers and fresh graduates who are desirous of taking leadership in proffering cognant and evidence driven solutions to housing problems in Nigeria and Africa.